A Big Decision

After having had my books in the market for a few years now I’ve taken a look at what my sales currently are and what my sales could be. Many independent authors including some of my friends and and authors I admire mention that their paperback sales are slim to none and the majority of their sales come from ebooks. When I was trying to push Betrayal At The North Pole out the door right after I had surgery at the end of 2017, ebooks were the least of my sales and I anticipated the same with the new book.

Now that 2020 is here, that fact remains the same. When I go to book signings or fairs, I sell more books in a day than I do in a month with ebooks on Amazon or elsewhere. I want to change that. Selling paperback books at fairs is really hard work, not to mention the amount of self promotion you have to do akin to a barker on the street, something I’m not comfortable with and probably never will be. One of my mentors, Debra Dunbar ( https://twitter.com/debra_dunbar), and an one of the authors I admire, as mentioned above, J. Zachary Pike (https://www.jzacharypike.com/), have both mentioned using Kindle Unlimited. Reading Mr. Pike’s blog post about deciding to enroll his books and his reasons why (like Pike, the majority of my ebook sales are from Amazon anyway) was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Several years after having pushed the publish button on Murder At The North Pole, here I am pushing the button to enroll in Kindle Unlimited.

So, spread the word. Tell a friend. The Mistletoe Mysteries are now available in Kindle Unlimited.